
The Classic Choice

Electrolysis is the oldest and only permeant form of electrical hair removal. Using a small probe to treat each hair,
we effectively ensure permeant results.

Why Choose Electrolysis?

  • Permanent Hair Removal: Electrolysis is FDA-approved for permanent hair removal. It can effectively eliminate hair, preventing its regrowth.

  • Versatility: Electrolysis can be applied to various areas of the body, including the face, eyebrows, chin, upper lip, arms, legs, and bikini line.

  • All Hair Colors and Skin Types: Unlike some other hair removal methods, electrolysis is effective for individuals with any hair color or skin type. It works well on light-colored and fine hairs that may be challenging for other methods.

  • Precision: Electrolysis is a precise method that targets individual hair follicles, making it suitable for shaping eyebrows or treating small areas.

  • No Ingrown Hairs: Since electrolysis destroys the hair follicle, there is no regrowth, and therefore, no risk of ingrown hairs.

  • Safe and FDA Approved: Electrolysis is a safe and FDA-approved method for permanent hair removal when performed by a skilled and trained professional.

  • Minimal Side Effects: While some temporary redness or swelling may occur after a session, electrolysis typically has minimal side effects compared to other hair removal methods.

  • Customizable Treatment Plans: Electrolysis treatments can be tailored to individual needs and preferences, allowing for a personalized and targeted approach to hair removal.

  • Effective for Hormonal Hair Growth: Electrolysis is often recommended for individuals experiencing hormonal hair growth, such as in cases of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

  • No Regrowth Stubble: Unlike shaving or hair removal creams, electrolysis does not leave behind stubble as the hair is permanently removed.

  • Boosts Confidence: Permanent hair removal can lead to increased self-esteem and confidence, especially for individuals dealing with unwanted facial hair or excessive body hair.

Pain Free Electrolysis

At HI SIS in Honolulu, we understand that comfort is key to a positive experience. That's why we're proud to offer our Lidocaine Injection Service, designed to minimize discomfort and enhance your overall treatment satisfaction. Lidocaine is a trusted local anesthetic that effectively numbs the treatment area, making procedures like electrolysis virtually pain-free.

Why Choose Our Lidocaine Service?

  • Immediate Relief: Experience rapid onset of numbness, ensuring comfort from the start of your treatment.

  • Safety First: Administered by certified professionals, our lidocaine injections are safe, sterile, and precisely dosed to ensure optimal results with minimal risk.

  • Enhanced Comfort: Make your beauty routines more relaxing and enjoyable, whether you're undergoing hair removal or other aesthetic procedures.

Perfect for those with a low pain threshold or anyone looking to alleviate the anxiety associated with cosmetic treatments.

Is Electrolysis Right for Me?

Electrolysis is for everybody! The best way to learn if it can help you is through a free consultation.